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Sunday, December 12, 2010

CS609 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

CS609 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

Q (5 marks)
Explain the usage of XON and XOFF is software based flow control
Ans (Page # 158 , lec # 17)

Write a function that will read the status of COM Port and return the modem line status is a unsigned int. COM port number will be passed as parameter.

Q Write down the purpose of int 12H and int 15H/88H
Ans : int 12H : used for memory interface 
int 15H/88H return = No. of kb above 1 MB

Write down the detail of the Service (00,01,02) of int 17H which is used in printer.

Ans : 00 : Display characters
01 : Initialze Printer
02 : Request printer.

some questions of Another Paper.

Q (2 Marks )
write stands for

write stands for.


Another Paper:

21st question is the Write the base adresses of LPTs.
22nd is the abriviations of the internal registers of UARTS e.g THR,RBR etc
23rd What is the value of LEDs (from last lecture)
24th i forgot same from the last lecture about LED.
25th is a 5 marks programm.
26th is the diagram and explaination of the STATUS REGISTER A of the RTL

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